Welcome to the first Charleston Climate Coalition newsletter of 2022! We’ll be sharing info on climate-related events, action items, our upcoming meetings, and more.
Smart Infrastructure for Transport Safety, Resiliency, and Electrification in SC Presentation This Thursday, January 6th at 7:00pm, the Sierra Club will host a zoom presentation discussing CORE SC. A collaboration between the College of Charleston, South Carolina Aquarium, and Charleston County Government that demonstrates developed solutions and practices focused on five resilience sectors: water, energy, connectivity, agriculture, and natural hazards. To learn more about the event and register, click here: Meetup.
Charleston Green Drinks Returns! Join us Tuesday, January 11th from 5-7pm to celebrate the revival of Charleston Green Drinks. Hosted by the Sustainability Institute and located at Commonhouse Aleworks in Park Circle, North Charleston, a percentage of profits from their new beer "Equity" will be donated to the Sustainability Institute. Come on out to cheers in support SI's workforce development and service-learning program for young adults pursuing conservation careers. Additionally, The Naked Pantry Co, a mobile zero waste market, will be there selling all sorts of sustainable goods. (DELAYED TO FEBRUARY)
Volunteer to Conduct Energy Justice Surveys During the next two Saturdays, the 8th and the 15th, LAMC will be out surveying Lowcountry residents on their energy burdens and need for weatherization. Supporting the efforts of the SC Energy Justice Coalition, the survey data will inform policies and programs aimed to further community resiliency, safety, health, and energy. If you want to come out and help, reach out to Omar Muhammad at lamcinfo18@gmail.com or us at charlestonclimatecoalition@gmail.com.
Intern With Us! We are seeking interns to assist in our efforts this upcoming spring semester! If you’re a student, check out the opportunities available on our website; with six different positions, one is sure to call to you. Application information here.
To kick off 2022, we're returning to our regularly scheduled Circle meetings. This round will all be on Thursdays at 7:00pm. If you want to get more involved with CCC’s work, this is a great way to jump in. Here's a rundown of this month's itinerary:
Event Planning: 1/13 @ 7pm — Zoom Link We’ll be putting together our plans for the Surge magazine release party, in February, and organizing the Sustainable Fashion Show set for March.
Art & Media: 1/20 @ 7pm — Zoom Link This meeting will be centered around Surge: The Lowcountry Climate Magazine — finalizing the first issue and planning for the second.
Climate Action Plan Campaign: 1/27 @ 7pm — Zoom Link Join us in developing our 2022 strategy for passing Climate Action Plans at every local level in the Lowcountry.
Climate Alliances: 2/3 @ 7pm — Zoom Link We’ll be reviewing what we accomplished in 2021, discussing our goals for 2022, and brainstorming ways to advance our partnerships.
Santee Cooper’s Jamison Solar Site becomes First Gold Certified Solar Habitat Alder Energy, a green business alliance member, built this 1.2-megawatt solar farm in Orangeburg three years ago; recently it became SC’s first Gold Certified Solar Habitat Site. To achieve this status, Santee Cooper planted native perennial vegetation throughout the site’s solar panels in order to reduce soil erosion, protect water quality, and provide foraging habitat. Click the link above to learn more about the Solar Habitat Act and Gold Certification.
Charleston’s December was second-warmest recorded as unusual heat blanketed US Last month was the second-warmest December ever recorded in Charleston, according to weather records that stretch back to 1937. Historically our coldest month of the year is January with an average of 49.5, this past December the average was 59.
Our Isle of Palms tree planting went swimmingly!
