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Lack of Opportunity for Stewardship & Positive Contribution

Stewardship and positive contributions allow community members to care for each other and their environment. These opportunities are critical to promoting community bonding, culture, group identity, and sense of purpose for individuals. Placemaking promotes culture, social connections, and health. Stewardship and placemaking are often prevented by cost or a lack of time and resources. People have a right to opportunities for positive contributions to and stewardship of local communities and ecosystems (placemaking).

Local Examples of Stewardship 

James Simons Elementary School hosts an annual community clean up with family volunteers and business sponsors in order to raise funds for the school and help keep Charleston clean. In 2021, the event collected 1548 lbs of trash. James Simons Elementary School has also started a program called Itty Bitty Litter Committee, in which students commit to pick up litter whenever they can and learn the importance of taking care of the local environment.


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